hello makhana

Hello Makhana

Hello makhana (also known as fox nut , makhana , or gorgon plant ) is a specie of NYMPHAEACEAE family. It is an aquatic produce harvested from the ditches , land depressions and ponds etc without any fertilisers and pesticides , hence naturally it is called ORGANIC HERBAL FOOD .

Organic Herb : Hello Makhana is harvested from the stagnant wetlands. In the whole cultivation and even post harvest process neither fertilisers nor pesticides is used. After harvesting the leaves and stems remained in the same waterbodies which proves as fertilisers for the next crop, hence it is called ORGANIC NATURALLY. Being herb, Hello Makhana is one of the main ingredient of Herbal Ayurvedic Medicine and TCM ( traditional Chinese Medicines.)

  1. Protein : 14.52%
  2. Carbohydrates : 76.90%
  3. Fat : 0.10%
  4. Calcium : 0.02%
  5. Phosphorus. : 0.90%
  6. Kerotine : 1.40 mg.fe/100 grams
  7. Iron : 0.0014%(2236 mg)
  8. Cholesterol. : Nil
  9. Zinc. : 66 mg
  10. Magnesium. : 1.40%
  11. Moisture. : 12.8%

Besides the above it has Iron, zinc, thiamine ( vitamin B1), nicotinic acid, carotene, minerals etc .

Some benefits of Hello Makhana (facts to know)

  1. Hello Makhana helps in cardiac protection.
  2. It's helps in building action in dysentery , frequent urination .
  3. Hello Makhana is anti - oxidant.
  4. 25 gm Hello Makhana a day means a healthy food / diet .
  5. Hello Makhana regulate BLOOD PRESSURE, relieves numbness and aching near waist and knees.
  6. It is suitable for arthritis, importance , and permature aging , and recommended for the women during pregnancy and post natal weakness.
  7. Hello Makhana increase the quality & quantity of seman , prevent premature ejaculation and help in female infertility.
  8. No side effect.
  9. It's digestive for all age groups

Our Quality

Our company is in the field of Marketing different products including Agro based products in particular Makhana or Fox Nut for the last 10 years.Company has its own production of Best Quality of about hundres Tonnes of Makhana every year.

Our Value

Leadership : The courage to shape a better future.
Collaboration : Leverage collective genius.
Integrity : Be real.
Accountability : If it is to be, it's up to me.
Passion : Committed in heart and mind.
Diversity : As inclusive as our brands.
Quality : What we do, we do well.